How to hold the golf club correctly.

Correct Grip
Correct Way to Hold the Club

Holding the golf club correctly is crucial for achieving consistent and effective golf shots. There are two common grips in golf: the Vardon or overlapping grip and the interlocking grip. Here, I’ll explain the Vardon grip, which is the most widely used by golfers:

**Vardon (Overlap) Grip:**

1. **Position Your Hands:** Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and the club head on the ground. The clubface should be square to your target line.

2. **Left-Hand Placement (for right-handed golfers):** If you’re a right-handed golfer, your left hand will be the top hand on the club (opposite for left-handed golfers). Place your left hand on the club’s grip with the handle running diagonally across the palm, from the base of the little finger to the middle joint of the index finger. Your left thumb should rest gently on top of the grip.

3. **Fingers and Pressure:** Your left hand’s fingers should wrap around the grip comfortably, and the pressure should be moderate, neither too tight nor too loose. A common tip is to feel as if you’re holding a small bird – tight enough not to let it escape but not so tight as to harm it.

4. **Right Hand Placement:** Bring your right hand to the grip, positioning it just below your left hand (for right-handed golfers). The heel pad of your right hand should rest on top of your left thumb, and the fingers of your right hand should wrap around the grip. The right thumb should also rest gently on the grip, touching the left thumb.

5. **Fingers and Pressure:** Similar to your left hand, the fingers of your right hand should wrap around the club, and the pressure should be balanced. You should feel the club primarily in your fingers, not in your palms.

6. **Interlocking or Overlapping:** In the Vardon grip, the right pinky finger (for right-handed golfers) overlaps the gap between the left index and middle fingers slightly. Some golfers prefer to interlock the right pinky with the left index finger instead.

7. **Alignment:** Ensure that the V formed by your thumbs and index fingers points towards your right shoulder (for right-handed golfers) or is slightly to the right of the center of your body.

8. **Check Your Grip:** Take a few practice swings and make sure your grip feels comfortable and secure. Your hands should work together as a unit when swinging the club.

Remember that the grip is one of the foundational elements of a golfer’s swing. It might take some time to get used to, so practice it regularly. Additionally, seek advice and feedback from a golf instructor to ensure you’re holding the club correctly and to make any necessary adjustments to improve your game. Contact Dan Chicorel at to learn more.

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